Special Olympics Digital Guides Apps

Special Olympics Sports
Welcome to the Special Olympics DigitalGuidesApp. Whether you are a Special Olympics coach,competitiondirector, official or athlete, this is the place to comeforbackground, guidance, tips and strategies. We will continue toaddto the resources offered here, so please return often.You do not need to be an expert to volunteer withSpecialOlympics, only enthusiasm and a commitment to learn thebasics.Special Olympics would not exist today — and could not havebeencreated — without the time, energy, commitment and enthusiasmofour volunteers. With guidance, anyone with time and interestcanget involved in transforming lives, creating lifelongfriendships,and making their community and neighborhood a morewelcoming andaccepting place for people of all abilities.As always, we welcome your ideas and suggestions on how tomakeour sport resources more helpful for you. YOU are the"front-line"of the Special Olympics program! We want to give you asmuchsupport as possible to help make your experience fun, rewardingandfulfilling. Please contact us with your ideas and comments!